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Liverpool Celebrant: How to include a Time Capsule in your Wedding Ceremony...

Time capsules are an excellent way of adding a personal touch to your Wedding Ceremony.

There are many kits available online but, if you have the time (and the inclination) they can be fairly easy to create yourself.

They can be a plain, or decorated, box, a small vintage suitcase or even a biscuit tin.

They can include whatever you want them to.

Some simply contain a sealed love letter detailing your hopes for the future, from each of you, and perhaps a bottle of wine so that you can enjoy a drink, together, when you reopen the capsule.

If you are having a Celebrant led celebration you will receive a copy of your bespoke Wedding Ceremony script; it would be a nice touch to include this in the capsule.

​Of course, if you wish, you can be more elaborate with the contents, or even ask your guests to add a small token, or a note expressing their wishes for your future life together.

You place the items in the container, during the ceremony and close it - to be opened on your first, fifth, or maybe your tenth, Wedding Anniversary (or any other date that you choose).

With this symbolic act you are forming a tangible memory, to be enjoyed in the future. Your Celebrant will explain the significance, to your guests, while you are filling the capsule.

If you use a plain box, during the reception, you could ask your guests to sign it and then it will also serve as a reminder of who was present, on your big day.

After your Wedding, either store the container somewhere safe, until the date that you have agreed to open it or, if you think you may be tempted to open it sooner, ask someone to look after it for you.

Just imagine all of the memories, of your special day, flooding back when you reopen your capsule!

Time capsules are also a wonderful addition to a Naming Ceremony, ask your Celebrant for more information on this, or any other, enhancement that you would like to include in your special day.

Finally, here is a suggestion for a reading, called 'The Future' that you may wish to include, during your Wedding Ceremony...

The Future

In my future I see you and me, And a house and garden filled with trees. I see dinner parties surrounded by friends, And a vegetable patch we love to tend. I see cosy nights in front of the fire, And a four-poster bed for when we tire. I see our kitchen which will be the heart of the home, And a Victorian bath brimming with foam. I see muddy wellies by the front door, And the kids eating cookies and asking for more. I see nights in the garden camping under the stars, And shelves full of mismatching local jam jars. I see family picnics outside with the dog, And a little blue shed containing the logs. I see us sat by the window watching the snow, And reading the papers and learning to grow. I see pictures of family in quirky frames, And letters on the kids’ doors spelling out their names. I see laughter, pain, kisses and tears, And helping each other to confront our fears. I see you as my friend and also my lover, Your confidant and your children’s mother. I see a wonderful future for you and I, And it’s cloaked in love until we die.

​​Written by Emma Salmon


Liverpool Celebrant, Lorraine Hull (Naming Days)

Hi, I am Lorraine Hull, an award-winning Celebrant, based in Liverpool.

I am most usually asked to conduct ceremonies in North-West England and North Wales but I am happy to travel anywhere within the U.K. or abroad.

At the risk of shouting (and sounding extremely cheesy) "I LOVE MY JOB!".

I really love getting to know the couples and families that ask me to be part of their special celebration, whether that is for a Wedding/Civil Partnership, Renewal/Reaffirmation of VowsNaming/Welcoming, or Celebration of Life/Funeral

I love hearing, writing and telling love and life stories (and also finding out about hopes and dreams - which are the stories of the future!)

I love to create and conduct unique, meaningful ceremonies that are perfect for each couple, individual, and/or family.

I love helping to create and celebrate happy and poignant moments, which form memories that will last a lifetime (that also includes the memories that I get to keep too - what's not to love?)

I believe that ALL people (and animals) should all be treated kindly, fairly and with respect.

I think for myself and act for others. I advocate anti-racism, the appreciation and celebration of diversity, dignity, justice, equity and equality for ALL through everything that I say and do: Love is Love, Family is Family, Life is Life.

You may like to know that I was trained to the highest level as a Celebrant and have continued my professional development. I hold Public Liability and Professional Indemnity insurance. I adhere to a strict code of conduct and I am committed to identifying, developing and sharing best practice with my Celebrant colleagues, so that we can all be the best Celebrants that we can possibly be.

To contact me please email: or call: 0744 932 3988


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